
My working method is empathetic but decisive. Gentle, but determined. I listen and look at your symptoms in the context of your life. Together we will look at how I can help you.

Vision and mission

My working method is based on equality, connection, turning inward and empowering. My view on solving our (various) problems is that if we can look inward at difficult moments and dare to connect with others, we can heal ourselves. By first going within, we can then connect with everything that is happening outside us without prejudice.

My mission is an extension of this. I want to infect others with my own healing, passing down the torch. I do this with great passion and dedication in my practice using the method Past Reality Integration (PRI).

Past Reality Integration (PRI)

Past Reality Integration (PRI) is a theory about the functioning of our consciousness and a method to tackle and solve emotional problems at their root. The method has elements from cognitive behavioral therapy and trauma therapy within a schema-oriented approach. Past Reality Integration is developed by Dutch psychologist Ingeborg Bosch and it's an extremely effective method for resolving all our unwanted, destructive and negative emotions.

The theory states that our consciousness is split early in childhood for survival. In our adult consciousness (AC) we feel that we have a choice, we know that nothing lasts forever and we feel that we can meet our own basic needs. In our child consciousness (CC) all emotional memories that were too crushing, too life-threatening are stored (repressed). When we are in this part of our conciousness, everything feels endless, we feel dependent on others to meet our needs and we feel like we have no choice. These two parts are split by the wall of defense. We can distinguish five different defenses:

  • Fear: I can still run away
  • Primairy defence: it's my fault
  • False hope: if I work hard enough, I'll get what I need
  • False power: if the other person changes, i'll get what I need
  • Denial of needs: everything is okay, I don't have a problem

It's these defences that bother us the most in our life. But these are illusions that make us believe the cause of our feelings, our problem, is someting in the present. If we can discover that our true problem lies underneath, old pain that is stored in our subconcious, we can heal this pain and our defence mechanisms won't be necessary anymore.

Past Reality Integration (PRI) offers several tools to help you become aware of and dismantle these defense mechanisms. The founder wrote seven books about this in Dutch, four of them translated in English (see images at the bottom of this page). In therapy you learn to use these tools yourself, so that you always have them at your disposal and can apply them whenever you want. Doesn't that sound good?

For more information about Past Reality Integration (PRI) you can take a look on the website or send a message by clicking on the button below.